Monday, September 19, 2011

Who Are You?

I asked this question to my roommates the other day. Each of them gave me a good answer. I expected them to talk about their families, calling in life, passion, walk with God, etc. When they were done I turned them to Isaiah chapter 6. I have been reading Isaiah in my devotions and this thought came to my mind. I have noticed it before, I've heard it preached on before, but on this day it particularly touched me and I'd like to share it with you. I was reading verses one through four of the passage. Wow! What an incredible passage. What a privilege Isaiah had to get to stand in the throneroom of God! The verses explain the majesty of God: God's train filling the temple, the angels having six wings: two to cover their face in respect, two to cover their feet in worship, and two to fly in service, and the many other things that I believe Isaiah saw that he was certainly to overwhelmed to write about. In verse 5 Isaiah then says, "is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts." Here is my thought. Isaiah did not see his flaws until he saw God. We cannot see ourselves for who we are until we see God for who he is. You may be reading this right now and saying to yourself, "I'm good! I've got no problems." But maybe you think this because you haven't been near the searching light of the character of God lately. Let's try to keep in mind who we are serving.
The story is told of two families in the hills of West Virgina. The first family (We will call them the Hattfields for sake of story) were discussing with the second family (the McCoys) how they were making the decision to install electric lights into their house. The McCoys didn't like that idea and decided to be content with the natural light from the sun during the day. The day came and the Hattfields installed their electric lights. They flipped the switch and were amazed by the clear and beautiful light that these bulbs up in the ceiling could give out. When the Oohing and Ahhing was over they began to look around. They realized that their home was a mess! With the new light source in their house they could now see into places that had never been cleaned. The Hattfields went on a cleaning spree to get their house into top shape. Meanwhile the McCoys enjoyed their lives with no electricity. They never worried about a messy house. The McCoys lived forever content with their condition in a filthy house because they never knew how messy it truly was. I hope that we will not be like the McCoys. Turn the lights on! Let God near so that he can expose the dirty grime of sin. Most people don't because they are too scared to see where they are wrong. Are you to scared? I hope not. Who are you today? I bet that your answer would be different if you dwelt on the holiness of God.

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